Introducing Mike Firenze, Dome's recently named Executive Vice President and Senior Director

We are honored to announce that Mike Firenze, who joined the Dome team in 1990, has been named our new Executive Vice President and Senior Director. With thirty years of construction experience and the knowledge of working in twelve different positions, Mike is a vital member of the Dome team.

Mike’s professional journey in Construction first began when he landed a summertime job with Dome. As soon as he was on his first job site, he knew he wanted to keep learning about Construction for the rest of his life.

Mike decided that the best thing for his development was to step away from college and join the Carpenter’s union as an apprentice. Mike remarks, “I was just a young kid who loved Construction. I always wanted to do more, and this was a place that rarely told me no, you couldn’t.” Over the last several years, Mike has shown a deep level of persistence and determination. He will continue with his mission of creating an empowering workplace as our new Executive Vice President.

We had the opportunity to interview Mike about his experience at Dome and his thoughts, looking forward to this new role. To this, he points out, “I am excited about what we have already accomplished in one of the most difficult “business environments” that I have experienced in my 30+ year career. I look forward to helping as many Domites as we possibly can to reach their full potential. I want everyone to feel like they are a key contributor, and the company appreciates them for their efforts.”

When asked how we can create a better workplace, Mike shared with us, “TRUST. It may sound corny, but it isn’t easy for employees to tell their boss the truth. That is the job of every leader at Dome, to empower everyone to feel they have a voice without repercussions. As leaders, we may think we know what we can work on to get better, but every Domite possesses insight into how we can make our workplace better.”

Mike’s 30-year professional journey has shown him that “Construction is a tough industry.” However, Mike’s passion for discovering what makes people tick is an insight into how much he cares for what he does. “We care about each other, our clients, our design partners, our trade partners, and all the people connected to our projects. The people who work, receiving care, or are visiting to see a loved one in a facility we are doing or have done construction deserve the best. We also want to be a good steward of our community. I love how much heart and soul our team puts into our community.” Mike continues, “Dome has an incredible group of young leaders.”

In his journey from carpenter apprentice to Executive Vice President, Mike had to take significant risks that would enrich his future career, “Making the change in my career path from Superintendent to Project Engineer was a big risk for me. It meant leaving a job I loved so that I could pursue new opportunities, even though I had barely touched a computer and had minimal office skills at that time.” That risk paid off. Mike successfully transitioned from the field to the office in 2001 and has continued to grow as a leader since.

Outside work, you can find Mike spending time with his family, renovating his new house, playing golf, and snow skiing.

With great appreciation and enthusiasm, we introduce our Executive Vice President, Mike Firenze. Once again, we are delighted to have Mike continue to lead our team and look forward to great success in the future!

To learn more about Mike and the other Senior Executive Team members of Dome Construction, please visit our Leadership page.

Connect with Mike:

I look forward to helping as many Domites as we possibly can to reach their full potential. 

Mike over the years

More about Mike...

1. What’s your superpower, and how will you leverage that to further your impact at Dome?

I am really into discovering what makes people tick. I want to know what people are like and so that I can help facilitate successful partnerships. Perhaps even more important is trying to recognize who may not work best together.

2. What’s the first job you had, and what did you learn from that experience?

My first job was moving and stacking two cords of wood with my brother. We had to take the wood from the driveway and go down the house’s side around the back and pile it all. It was a huge hill, and it was tough, but we managed to get it done. That work led the homeowner, who owned a hardware store, to offer me a summer job.

I learned that working hard makes the day go by faster, and more importantly, people will appreciate the effort.

3. What inspires you to work in Construction?

I truly love to build. I think I connect best with people who have a similar passion. I spend some of my free time renovating my house and will likely renovate other homes once I retire.

4. What hobbies or sports are you involved with outside of work, and why do you enjoy them?

I love being outside. My two favorite sports are golf and snow skiing.

5. What is your dream vacation?

I used to get really anxious when I traveled. I am not afraid to fly. I would just get concerned we would miss our flight or get in the wrong lane, or get lost. I also worry about leaving stuff in my pocket before the metal detector, etc. So I love going to Maui and having the same relaxing vacation as last year. My job is pretty stressful, so if I can reduce stress while on vacation, I consider that a good thing.

6. Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship, and why?

I am sure people will laugh at this, but I like Tony Robbin’s message and energy. Sometimes when I am not in the mood for music or sports talk radio, I will go back to one of my audible books and listen to Tony. I love his philosophy on Abundance.

7.  If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Easy! Bacon Cheeseburger and Fries.

8. You’re hosting a dinner party. Who are the three people, living or dead, who you would invite, and why?

Can I have 4? I would do anything to get my parents for one more night and tell them how much I and miss them. I know my brother and sister would do the same, so they have to come too. 

If I get a second dinner without family, I love US history. So I would probably go with George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt. 

9.  If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?

A Quarterback in the NFL.

“Where focus goes, energy flows.” Tony Robbins