20 Years of CEA Safety Excellence awards!

Only eight members have won this award since it was established in 2003 and Dome is one of them!

No OSHA violations

Dome has NEVER been cited with an OSHA violation in the 53 years we've been in business

Safety Awards

Dome Wins the 2022 CEA Safety & Presidents Award!

Dome has been honored to receive the CEA Safety Excellence Award and for the 20th year in a row, and the President’s Safety Award for the 2nd year in a row, making this our 7th President’s Safety award win!

Pictured on the left, Steve Ballardo, VP of Safety Operations, Frank Zamora, Safety, and Brent Miller, Director of Risk Management, accepted the awards on behalf of our team’s continued commitment to safety.

Dome was one of 68 companies in the Safety CEA Awards submission in 2022!

The comprehensive package that Dome submitted showcased our many efforts to keep our employees safe on and off the jobsite. In 2021, Dome employees completed 161 training sessions, averaging out to 2 completed safety training sessions per Dome employee for the year.

We highlighted the creation and use of our successful eMOD Safety App. Dome has seen significant results in safety between the five years prior to the adoption of the eMOD safety App to the 3 years since we began implementing it on our job sites. Notably, our OSHA Incident Rate & Dart Rate improved as exposure increased significantly. Nearly 200,000 increases in annual hours worked. We saw a 25% Improvement in EMR Rate, Work Comp Costs dropped 47% and General Liability costs decreased by 43%.

We are beyond proud of the hard work our safety team and our field employees put in to continue to be diligent in ensuring everyone remains safe. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who helped us win these prestigious awards!


Firms meeting three of the following five criteria shall be awarded CEA’s Excellence in Safety Award:

  • Total Incident Rate 25% Below the Industry Average
  • Lost Workday Incident Rate 25% Below the Industry Average
  • Experience Modification Rate < 1.0
  • A Flat or Negative Experience Modification Trend
  • An Active Safety Training Program


  • A Total Incident Rate that is 50% Below the Industry Average
  • A Lost Workday Incident Rate that is 50% Below the Industry Average
  • Experience Modification Rate ≤ .70
  • A Cal/OSHA Recognized Voluntary Protection Program Construction (Cal/VPPC) Participant
  • Demonstration of an Active Training Program that includes complete and accurate records containing the number and names of employees trained in (with approximate dates of training): OSHA 10 Hour; First Aid/CPR; Competency in Scaffold, Excavation and Fall Protection; Other Training.